What We Do

ASSA is the governing body for Sled Dog Sports through out Australia, which is run by mushers for mushers.

Our Mission

ASSA is committed to the administration, promotion and development of Sleddog sports throughout Australia.

Our Values

ASSA encourages youth development, good sportsmanship, responsible dog care and enjoyment.

Formed in 2000

ASSA is a proud member of the International Federation of Sleddog Sports (IFSS)


The IFSS provides the foundation on which our rules were shaped. The IFSS is a large group of international organisations contributing to sled dog sports on snow and dryland events. Their members meet regularly to deliver this on an educational, scientific, or technical level.

One of IFSS main goals of foundation was to lift Sled Dog Sports to an Olympic level, which they continue to do so working with the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

© Happy Flying Dog Photography

Have your say in the way the sport is governed in Australia

Every year approaching our AGM we accept nominations for the National Council. We are looking for passionate dog lovers to join us on the 2025 committee. Available positions are State Representatives for ACT, NSW, SA, and TAS. Have your say in the sport and join the ASSA committee!  Email committee.assa@gmail.com for the nomination form.


ASSA is a member of IFSS (International Federation of Sleddog Sports), your membership provides you with automatic insurance cover throughout Australia! ASSA members enjoy discounted race entry fees at ASSA races. You may also be eligible for the National Point Score.



Zahra Goldsmith

Vice President

Jamelia Bramwell


Lilyana McPhee


Gheetha Toquero


Vacant, apply now!


Ian Plant

SA Rep

Vacant, apply now!


Finnian McKeown

WA Rep

Jono Lane


Vacant, apply now!


Vacant, apply now!

Public Officer

Robyn Thompsett