
ASSA Group Policy Insurance

Petcover Group Australia is the Risk and Insurance Advisor for the Australian Sleddog Sports Association (ASSA) and has developed a group policy to help protect members, clubs, and officials across the ASSA community.


ASSA Member Insurance 

The ASSA Group Policy Insurance offers members Personal Accident and Public Liability Insurance whilst engaged in sanctioned sled dog sport activities. The benefits listed are for all ASSA Financial Members. If you are not a current ASSA member, you can register online through our membership application


ASSA Club Insurance

As an ASSA affiliated club you have access to the ASSA Group Policy Insurance, which offers clubs Personal Accident, Public Liability and Leisure Business Insurance. Certificates of Currency for clubs are provided by Petcover upon affiliation to ASSA, these are often requested by third parties such as council, forestry, or property owners as proof of insurance. 


If you require more information please email


ASSA Affiliated Clubs